The Achieving Resilient Communities Project

Evidence Project:
Ventura, Kern, Fresno, and Sonoma Counties, CA

The Achieving Resilient Communities (ARC) project is a collaborative effort between several Public Health Institute programs, including our affiliate Roots of Change, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California, and Tracking California. ARC addresses the compounded health risks posed by climate change and environmental factors in vulnerable communities. By working with local groups, government agencies, and agricultural leaders, ARC identifies priorities and supports initiatives that foster measurable progress in community resilience.

Climate change exacerbates health threats for disadvantaged communities, leading to increasingly severe outcomes. ARC empowers these communities to build resilience through coordinated action and systemic change. Focusing initially on agricultural workers at high risk from environmental hazards, ARC partners with local stakeholders to drive policy changes and track improvements, enhancing overall community well-being.

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