Partnering to Create Healthier Communities

At the Center for Wellness and Nutrition, we collaborate with a diverse network of organizations to promote healthier living in all aspects of community life—at home, work, school, and beyond. By leveraging our relationships with grant funders, clients, government agencies, community-based organizations, coalitions, and the extensive resources and expertise of the Public Health Institute and our external business associates, we deliver top-notch, customized services that drive meaningful change in community health and wellness.

Cal Fresh Healthy Living
California Department of Public Health
National Network of Public Health Institutes
Achieving Resilient Communities
The Cigna Group
Georgia Department of Human Services
Abbott Fund
Share our Strength
Cigna Foundation
Valley Childrens Healthcare
Little Tokyo Service Center
Indian Health Council
African Communities Public Health Coalition

Ready to make a difference? Partner with us!

To explore how we can support your initiatives, please call us at 916.265.4042 or email us at .